january 2018


vintage modern

Welcome to our first blog post! It's official, ahh! We are so excited. This look challenges the concept of time and plays with contrast by mixing vintage elements and modern cuts.


In thinking about how we wanted to kick off our fashion series, I knew one thing was for certain -- whatever outfit we decided on, I didn't want to shoot outside in the dead of winter. So, when Irene came up with the brilliant idea of a bright flash, stark shadow, brooding sort of aesthetic, I was game because that meant we would be shooting indoors!


Now, I'll be the first to admit this, but pairing this blouse with the skirt is something I'd never think of doing myself. However, thanks to Irene's good eye, it works surprisingly well. The checkered pattern of the blouse is small enough in scale that it doesn't interfere with the larger stripes of the skirt. The built-in bustier adds a touch of sweet but sassy, and a point of interest to an otherwise basic white blouse. The color palette also matches nicely; although taupe and yellow don't usually pair well together, the muted tone of both colors makes for a compatible fit, and is quite a refreshing combination.



With the geometric lines of the skirt, we wanted to provide a visual contrast with the hair and accessories. Here, we have a messy 60's, Brigitte Bardot-inspired hairstyle, which downplays the structural components of the outfit. The earrings are courtesy of Irene's mom, who actually wore them on her wedding day. Cool, right? They totally add a vintage flair. We completed the outfit with a pair of combat boots to toughen up the look while keeping it cool and casual.


We had so much fun with this shoot. I felt like a doll, but a stylish doll. Ha. We shot this as the sun was going down, as you can tell in some of the pictures here, and got some really cool lighting effect. We kept the background and props as minimal as possible to accentuate our styling and outfit. We hope you enjoyed our first post, and we'll see you next time.


february 2018